Best Practice on the Statement on Internal Control (with CAI)

19 November 2024


IPA, 57-61 Lansdowne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

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The joint IPA Governance Forum-Chartered Accountants Ireland event is designed to share insights, experience and approaches on assurance and approval by the Board of the Statement on Internal Control (SIC). The event will also provide a regulatory oversight perspective and discuss expectations on an organisation's Statement on Internal Control.

The scale, size and complexity of organisations subject to the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies (2016) and other public sector requirements can vary, and as can their approach to internal control assessment and procedures supporting their Statement on Internal Control. This event will explore some of the approaches taken to get assurance on the SIC, what works well or not so well, and, applying a holistic perspective of internal control reviews across public and private sector, what practical tips might improve the quality of work done to support the Statement of Internal Control.

The speaker line-up for the event will include:

Additional speakers will be added in due course.

Forum members are welcome to register attendees. The event will be subject to capacity and places will be confirmed on a first come first served basis.

Best Practice on the Statement on Internal Control (with CAI) Booking Form

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