Chairpersons’ Network [Online Virtual Roundtable]
14 January 2021
Institute of Public Administration, Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4
Online booking for this event is now closed
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The Chairpersons’ Network will convene on Thursday, 14 January for a facilitated virtual roundtable, following-on from our successful event on 22 October last. It will be chaired by Linda Hickey, Chairperson of the Irish Blood Transfusion Board.
The session will be an opportunity for Chairpersons to discuss mutual and relevant issues, experiences and practices over recent months (and looking to the year ahead), including but not limited to:
- Building and maintaining a sense of ‘team’ in the context of remote Board meetings
- Effectively chairing remote meetings
- Filling Board vacancies and induction for new members
- Board-Executive relationship (incl. information flows)
- Supporting staff and the organisation in the context of remote working
Chairpersons are encouraged to raise any particular issues they would like discussed, and can do so in advance, by contacting Tom Ward (